Our members lead the world in low-carbon, circular, aluminium extrusions and fabrication.

As such, ALENZ has recently embraced the opportunity to provide input into the Trade and Economic Group of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on ‘GreenTrade’

We support the Group’s framework which “… will consider how to use innovative trade policy frameworks to accelerate the uptake and deployment of low-emissions and resource-efficient solutions, production and consumption both in New Zealand and internationally. This work will support both trade and climate objectives. It will explore how a possible green trade agreement could: 

  • add value to the New Zealand economy;
  • increase cooperation and encourage innovation; and 
  • incentivise greener trade practices.”  

However, the challenge for the Group will be to develop these “frameworks” to ensure that local low-carbon, circular manufacturing in New Zealand and globally is incentivised to grow/export rather than be undermined by imports of high-carbon content aluminium from our major trading partners.

We already lead the way globally. The majority of the aluminium extruded in New Zealand is sourced from the NZAS smelter at Tiwai Point, which has one of the lowest aluminium smelting carbon footprints in the world generating 85% less CO2-e than the industry average.

New Zealand is also fortunate to have an aluminium recycling/remelt facility at McKechnie in New Plymouth, where 89% less carbon is emitted per kg than other aluminium extruders globally – achieving a carbon footprint (Scope 1 & 2) of 1.31kg of CO2 per kg of aluminium.  The global average is 11.5kg of CO2 per kg of aluminium.

The reality is that New Zealand free trade agreements do not value these exemplary environmental credentials , nor do they acknowledge the significant value of local manufacturing which:

  • delivers high value jobs in our regions,
  • provides the capability/capacity for new innovations/industries and
  • delivers resilience to essential sectors of the New Zealand economy when supply chains fail due to global pandemics or changing geopolitical events.

Read our submission to MFAT outlining our recommendations for a framework that incentivises low-carbon, circular manufacturing in New Zealand and globally  ALENZ submission to MFAT on GreenTrade March 2025